Ongoing Training Developments

Ongoing Development Programs

Stay up to date with the latest ESC(SA) Chaplaincy Training

The Emergency Services Chaplaincy has developed a number of exciting ongoing development programs and courses. These courses are available on request or on the specific dates and times published on the ESC(SA) Development Courses Chat for Chaplains.

Individuals and organisations that would want to take part in these programs or have their Staff trained, should email our training team at or phone us on 082 329 9973.

  • Pastoral Counselling and Cognitive Behaviour Theory: This workshop is aimed at exploring how the pastoral counsellor can benefit from using the guidelines of Behavioural Therapy.
  • Disaster and Traumatic Scene Support (Incorporating the WHO Psychological First Aid Course) – available in English and Afrikaans: This workshop is designed to prepare Chaplains and First Responders to effectively deal with the trauma and loss experienced by victims during a major traumatic incident or disaster like the floods that have ravaged our country of late.
  • First on the Scene: This workshop is to prepare first responders like Chaplains, Counsellors, CPF, organisational staff and citizens to be aware of “On Scene Protocols” like protecting evidence, dealing with the victims and other traumatised individuals on a traumatic scene like a accident, robbery, murder, suicide etc.
  • Understanding Advanced First Aid Support: This advanced workshop provides advanced knowledge of First AID and related Medical Terms so that the attendee would be able to recognise certain medical conditions and adequately assist Medical staff during traumatic scenes.

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