We thank the Lord and Honour God for the work that He does through Chaplain Sharon Fisher. For the Past 15 years Chaplain Sharon has been a dedicated specialist in dealing with hundreds of different of traumatic scenes. Chaplain Sharon is well known for bringing the Peace of God to Accident and Crime Scenes on a regular basis. Chaplain Sharon is also a specialist in grief counselling and heads up “GriefShare” within their Church as well as coordinating Chaplains within the Church that she attends. Chaplain Sharon has also gone through deep waters herself with the loss of her husband Chaplain Billy Fischer. She also has taken the responsibility of making contact with the Emergency Services Ladies on a regular basis as a representative of the ESC(SA) Board to help the ESC(SA) Board assist our Ladies to find the help they may need in times of life’s trials and challenges. If you need any advice or intervention on dealing with incident scenes or grief support we recommend that you contact Chaplain Sharon. We pray that the Lord Blesses her Mightily into the future.